Take care and play with the cutest newborn pets in our baby animal hair care salon!
Wash, shampoo, rinse, dry, cut, curl, comb, brush, dye, shave and much more in our pet hair care salon for newborn puppies, hamsters and kittens! Try new and amazing hairstyles and hair colors to design fashion haircuts to cute newborn pets! Are you ready to create a lovely haircut to our baby animal pets? How good are you creating fashion haircuts with scissors?
Choose which newborn pet to style: a puppy, a kitty or a hamster. All the baby animals of our pet hair care salon are furry and need an urgent beautiful hairstyle! Wash, brush and comb them with love!
Try a new makeover and hairstyle and let's see what happens! Our baby animals are very grateful!
- Try endless combinations of fashion hair care tools and hair complements!
- Wash, cut and brush newborn dogs, cats and hamsters!
- Curl, dye and style like a professional hairdresser!
- Puppies,kitties and baby hamsters await a lovely haircut! Do not disappoint our newborn baby animals!
Choose who to style first and have hours of fun in this fashion hair care salon!
Are you ready to start a career in the pet hair care industry? Pink looks good on hamsters! Play now and let's see how far you can get!
My Newborn Puppy Care Salon - Pet Baby Animal is an Android Entertainment app developed by Casual Girl Games For Free and published on the Google play store. It has gained around 1000 installs so far, with an average rating of 4.0 out of 5 in the play store.
My Newborn Puppy Care Salon - Pet Baby Animal requires Android with an OS version of 3.0 and up. In addition, the app has a content rating of Everyone, from which you can decide if it is suitable to install for family, kids, or adult users. My Newborn Puppy Care Salon - Pet Baby Animal is an Android app and cannot be installed on Windows PC or MAC directly.
Android Emulator is a software application that enables you to run Android apps and games on a PC by emulating Android OS. There are many free Android emulators available on the internet. However, emulators consume many system resources to emulate an OS and run apps on it. So it is advised that you check the minimum and required system requirements of an Android emulator before you download and install it on your PC.
Below you will find how to install and run My Newborn Puppy Care Salon - Pet Baby Animal on PC:
If you follow the above steps correctly, you should have the My Newborn Puppy Care Salon - Pet Baby Animal ready to run on your Windows PC or MAC. In addition, you can check the minimum system requirements of the emulator on the official website before installing it. This way, you can avoid any system-related technical issues.
My Newborn Puppy Care Salon APK 1.1.0 | 59.76 MB | 1.1.0 |