This app allows you to receive near real-time emergency alerts (push notifications) for any Lebanon County Fire or EMS station on your Android device.
-Select up to 20 stations to monitor at one time.
-Select a separate ringtone for each station.
-Option to override ringer volume setting.
-View a satellite map of the call location.
-View a log of all recent Lebanon County Emergency dispatches (optimized for mobile).
-View the Lebanon County EMA Live Watch page (optimized for mobile).
If you have any problems with the app or discover any bugs, please email me at [email protected] and I will do my best to take care of the issue.
I welcome all feedback/comments/ideas on the app!
Disclaimer: This app should not be used as a replacement for a pager. This is not a guaranteed alert service. Software bugs, hardware issues, human error, or power/network failure can cause temporary service disruptions.
Thanks for taking a look!
KM-911-Alert is an Android Tools app developed by Kendall Martin and published on the Google play store. It has gained around 10000 installs so far, with an average rating of 4.0 out of 5 in the play store.
KM-911-Alert requires Android with an OS version of 2.0 and up. In addition, the app has a content rating of Everyone, from which you can decide if it is suitable to install for family, kids, or adult users. KM-911-Alert is an Android app and cannot be installed on Windows PC or MAC directly.
Android Emulator is a software application that enables you to run Android apps and games on a PC by emulating Android OS. There are many free Android emulators available on the internet. However, emulators consume many system resources to emulate an OS and run apps on it. So it is advised that you check the minimum and required system requirements of an Android emulator before you download and install it on your PC.
Below you will find how to install and run KM-911-Alert on PC:
If you follow the above steps correctly, you should have the KM-911-Alert ready to run on your Windows PC or MAC. In addition, you can check the minimum system requirements of the emulator on the official website before installing it. This way, you can avoid any system-related technical issues.
KM APK 0.96 | 1.07 MB | 0.96 |